That Blissful Time

If my days should be over
And be given the chance
To relive some moments of my life
Among them would be
The time I spent with you…

For just less than forty-eight hours
You made me feel reborn

I see the world differently now
More blissful
More colorful
More full of life

I’ve also realized
I can be like this
So weak in your arms
Secured by your touch
Calm by your side
Fulfilled just by your stares

I understand better now
Some things aren’t that easy
Some can really be so cruel
Some wishes won’t come true
Because life can’t really be perfect
But still happiness would always be found

I know things have to end
In their due time

And if it’s already time to for us
To walk away from each other
I would surely cry
But no longer would I weep much

I’ll just think of those moments
That blissful time
When the world was just you and me
When you just held me tight
When you made you feel so right
When you made you feel so loved

September 2005


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