The Risk Not Worth Taking

I naturally take risks…
I close my eyes
Then firmly stride ahead
With great hope
And unwavering will
Fervently burning in my heart

But with you…
I’m afraid to go any further
I’m not brave enough to take the risk
Because I know
From the very start
The effort
The time
The sacrifice
Won’t be worth it

I know…
From the very start
It couldn’t be right
It couldn’t be real
It wouldn’t be fair

They say …
It’s better this way
To have loved
And be loved
Then be hurt in the end
Than had nothing at all

But still…
I refuse
To take the risk with you
It’s too painful already at the start
And I know
I’ll be at the losing end
Mending a broken heart
Picking up the pieces of me again

August 2005


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